Monday, May 2, 2011

Local Disasters - Tornadoes!!!

I cannot describe how scary last week was!  We Southerners are used to mild and laid back weather - so the massive tornadoes that flattened whole towns last week came as a SHOCK.

Homeschooling was halted last Wednesday as I gathered the daycare kids into our basement, praying hard as the lights flickered.  A tree fell on a friend's house and she brought her two little ones over for our basement, bad-weather vigil.

The children were all completely oblivious to the danger - begging to play flashlight tag, playing sleepover under a sheet tent, and excitedly eating at a basement "picnic."  It's times like this that make me remember my parents telling me to not be in a hurry to grow up - being the one in charge is scary sometimes.

Thankfully, our home and family came out OK.  We have a bit someone else's insulation storm strewn in our yard as the only reminder.  Many were not so lucky.

We'll be going through our coupon stockpile for items to donate.  I've been told that almost everything is needed - everything.  A few things that I am thankful to have surplus of: deodorant, soap, and a few bottles of Herbal Essence shampoo.  Any couponers out there?  Or maybe just big hearted people with a few extra bottles of water to donate?  I've been told that Publix is taking donations to distribute, and I'll double check that later tonight.

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