Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Guac That Rocks!

It's just a few more days till Pascha - you can do it!!  If you are tired of beans and rice, noodles and sauce, and vegetable soup like the rest of. . . there's always Guac That Rocks!!  I've eaten it for a meal twice this week, it's that good.

 peeled avacado (nice and soft)
juice of 1/2 lime
1 clove of garlic, minced (or squashed through a garlic press)
sea salt to taste
1/2 can of black beans

Mash the first 4 ingredients together till smooth, add the beans, and wha-lah!  You ready to dip!  I used some multi-grain tortillas from Aldi's and I am quite satisfied indeed.

And for all you out there who say, "Where's the cilantro?!", you can add it if you want to.  I skipped it because of the WICKED indigestion I expected it to cause.

Guac That Rocks is a great way to finish a day of chalking up the driveway, homeschooling, and painting over water leaks in the ceiling.

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