Sunday, March 27, 2011

Orthodoxy. Children, and the Ladder of Divine Ascent

   We have been focusing our daily lessons on Lent, for as much as possible with my 5 year old - with outstanding results.  (Reeeeeally liked hearing her explain to a monk why we venerate the cross  :)
   Next Sunday is the Sunday of Saint  John Climacus or Saint John of the Ladder.  This is pretty heavy stuff for a little girl.  Honestly, she would probably handle it all ok - I'm just not sure how well I can convey it!!  But I am determined to do the best I can.
   The Plan So Far:
Monday:  Read the story of Jacob's Ladder (from the Old Testament)
Tues: Read the Life of St. John of the Ladder, talk about monks, hermits, etc.  Introduce that he wrote The Ladder of Divine Ascent.  Use his icon as visual aid.
Wed:  Explain what the book is about, using the icon of the ladder as a visual aid.

Thursday and Friday will work themselves out, depending on how well Mon-Wed sunk in (for either of us :).  Somewhere along the way, we'll throw in some ladder crafts, too.  Construction paper goodies!

I'm excited.

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